Snowdrops have been out for several weeks and are
almost finished. The yard is carpeted in
the little blue flowers whose name I’ve never learned. A young woodchuck is wandering the
neighborhood at dawn and twilight and sometimes in broad daylight. The first
I’ve ever seen on this street and I have no explanation for his invasion. He seems to be solo, no family attached.
I clipped forsithea branches in mid-February to force
them and brighten my home, but now the shrubs themselves have burst into a sea
of brilliant yellow on their own. The cherry tree outside the kitchen has buds
that are holding back but visibly ready to burst on the first warm day. The
begonias in my living room that sport beautiful large leaves all winter have
sent up their slender spikes with the delicate pink blossoms.

This year of the virus I’m providing positive
encouragement and support. I only put
seed in the left section so that the only birds now approaching the right
section are the two sparrows, and they are still hard at work bringing new
leaves, bits of forsithea, whatever flotsam and jetsam catches their
attention. And they sit there quite
possessively, stepping next door into the food zone from time to time and then
resuming their watch. So will they ever
risk putting a few eggs into that clumsily constructed nest? Perhaps.
If yes, I’ll report it on Facebook where all daily news trivial and
profound now circulates. It’s therapeutic to watch those birds constructing
their nest as though there was nothing amiss with the larger world.
My neighbor and I sat out in the sun two days ago with
a wall sheltering us from the wind, a sun that was very warm and welcoming. The Sound was flat, calm, so inviting that I
almost took out my kayak, although the day before it was tossing and pounding
the beach with rain sheeting down and penetrating my porch roof. Today again there are clouds overhead and
white-capped waves on the Sound suggesting that warm sunshine was an illusion.
We need illusions of calm, of warmth, of sanity, of
safety in a world gone mad. This dead
end street provides an oasis of sheltered nature and the empty sea beyond where
I and my neighbors have no risk from the virus or from bumping up against
crowds so long as we stay home. Our street is quiet, only four houses, only a
handful of people living in those four houses and careful not to interact
except perhaps to run an errand, or to bake in one home and then share the
bounty in a package carefully left outside the other doors.
It’s eerie. We aren’t accustomed to the silence or the
solitude. The different screens in each of our homes with talking voices—phones,
computers, TVs—project real danger, real fear, and all the more so as the voices
contradict each other, some showing charts with the ever accelerating spike in
positive cases worldwide but especially right now in New York, others still
trying with total disregard for risking lives to deny those projections and to
encourage business as usual.
It’s hard to think bucolic thoughts at a time like
this. It’s even harder not to fall prey
to their opposite, to an obsession with what’s wrong or wrong-headed, and to
wring one’s hands in despair. I have
friends admitting to indulging in far more alcohol than usual. Others taking Xanax or other
anti-depressants. My own temptation
would be the turtle-like withdrawal, head in shell and refusing to come out
until it’s over, refusing to confront or combat the lies, the greed, the
inhumanity on the part of some of our elected leaders.
But that’s not an option. I have to recognize it, to
confront it. I have to listen to those
leaders—the Cuomos and the Faucis--who are doing their best night and day to
lead us through this, to maximize the lives saved, to mandate behaviors that
will slow the spread, bend that wicked curve, bring us through what is a war
quite as much as the wars we have fought with weaponry in the past.
This morning as I wait for Cuomo’s daily briefing—so careful
he is to emphasize that what he is sharing are FACTS—I remember FDR’s talks
during WWII; DeGaulle’s broadcasts from England into occupied France; Churchill’s
stirring calls to arms. I do my best to
ignore that other petulant, erratic, self-centered voice that shouts daily lies
from the highest podium in our country. If only there were a way to silence
that voice, but as for myself, I simply don’t watch or listen. Instead, I wait for Andrew Cuomo.
Beyond that, and beyond all the messages and sharings
and virtual hugs and smiles on Facebook that take up more and more time every
day, I bake for me and for neighbors. Today
or tomorrow I will prepare my son’s wonderful balsamic chicken dish and take it
to some housebound friends, housebound before the virus.
I play my Steinway, an instrument with a long history
in my family, purchased from a piano teacher (why did she part with it, I
wonder?) before I was born, in Baltimore, so my four sisters could have lessons
when they were growing up. It has been mine ever since I married. I try to play
it almost every day. Now in this crisis,
I play Bach more than any other composer.
I perform the daily rituals of my solitary life that
would be important in a happier time: wind up the pendulum clock that I inherited
from my grandparents’ home in Chicago; water those begonias, and hibiscus and
avocadoes that fill the bay window in my living room all winter before they go
out to summer in my yard; do laundry, dishes, wipe down the surfaces. Read,
read, and read. Since March 10 when the virus here in New Rochelle made
international headlines and stay-at-home became the mantra, I’ve read almost a
dozen books and as many magazines.

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