Messing around in boats Seems like this summer that means bailing rather than sailing, three little boats awash with rain water needing emptying over and over, a repetitive domestic chore like folding laundry or emptying the dishwasher. Decades ago I delegated bailing boats to my three kids; decades later to my two resident grandsons. Bribes in those days were easy, homemade cookies warm from the oven or maybe a trip to Moomers for the ice cream President Biden enjoyed on his visit last week. I used to dislike bailing. I also disliked emptying dishwashers. I was happy to fill the dishwasher as a way of cleaning up the kitchen surfaces, but I always got the children or someone else to do the emptying, just as I got children to bail the boats. Oddly, now, I enjoy sitting in the dinghy or in one or the other of the two sunfish and dipping the bucket over and over into the accumulated rain and emptying it into the lake. Much of my life in reti...
Book author Emita Brady Hill's thoughts, memories, and discussions of her books: Northern Harvest, Bronx Faces and Voices, and her travels to the Texas Mexico border to help and cook for the migrant asylum seekers.