emita.hill@gmail.com LUCY LOCKET I first posted this in 2019. Was going to write a new blog for this year but the only changes I'll make are to say that today she would be not 124 but 128. A woman of many parts. Her progeny is numerous and scattered across this nation and onto other continents, all of them interesting men and women with four generations now for whom she would be the great great grandmother. Born in 1895 in Chicago, Lucy was the youngest of four with two older sisters and a brother. Every summer when I am in Michigan in my cottage on her lake, Long Lake, where her family traveled by train from Chicago before 1900 when she was an infant, my brain floods with memories of Lucy “Locket” Jewett, and of her many passions and predilections and peculiarities, all of which shaped me and my life and that of my four sisters for better or worse. Like her I was the youngest, and in my case it was by a decade and more, so that she was aging as I grew in...
Book author Emita Brady Hill's thoughts, memories, and discussions of her books: Northern Harvest, Bronx Faces and Voices, and her travels to the Texas Mexico border to help and cook for the migrant asylum seekers.