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Showing posts from November, 2020

The Book of Brioche

THE BOOK OF BRIOCHE It all began in March when we first wore masks and stayed home and saw no one except on zoom and even avoided grocery stores.  Neighbors were no longer neighbors. I said I wanted a puppy and a dear friend quickly sent me an adorable, huggable toy puppy.  I put him on face book and far-flung friends sent suggestions for names from France and even from Kyrgyzstan. But by then Governor Cuomo had started his daily briefings. I watched them, relied on them, took comfort from his insistence on FACTS, even when those facts were devastating.  So this little pup was named Mario in honor of Cuomo’s father and predecessor as governor (I had revered Mario Cuomo during my tenure at Lehman College in the Bronx) but nicknamed Merry.  And Merry took up residence in my study, on the couch where I watch TV, and eventually rode in my car the long drive out to Long Lake and Traverse City.  But by then I had decided to REALLY get a puppy, only it had to be a bl...